What’s for dinner tonight?
How many times have you stared at your kitchen, refrigerator, or pantry and ponder over the same question: “What I am going to fix for dinner tonight?”. Well, you are not alone.
As my morning ritual, by the time I finish my espresso, I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to fix for dinner that night. Of course, as soon as my son and husband stumble into the family room each morning, I share with them what awaits them that night. I am very fortunate that my son and husband, eat everything I fix, and they also make great suggestions.
So, with this blog, I want to share my daily dinners with you. I will share our menu and the recipes that we had that night.
I also want to challenge myself by making a new recipe every few days.
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Mind you that I like to stay close to my roots, therefore the majority of my recipes will be French and Italian dishes.
I do hope you will enjoy these recipes and, as we do in our family, have a lot of fun.
So, let the fun begin…..
Anita Middleton
Hi Giangi,
I can’t believe this is the first time i checked out your blog. I love reading the coments. I hope you will share a Tiramisu recipe. I have been contipating making it and would love to get your recipe.
Thanks so much and I look forward to reading your blog!
P.S. I love you too!
Giangi’s Kitchen
Thank you Anita. I promise I will share my Tiramisu recipe soon.
PS I love you too!
Joanne Gordon
Thanks so much for creating and sharing your wonderful blog. I can’t wait to try that salmon and several other recipes.
Giangi’s Kitchen
Thank you Joanne. I know you are going to love the salmon. Giangi
Dear Giangi,
What a great idea this is ! Thank you for sharing your 10 minutes recipes with us, I’m looking forward to try your “Veal Piccata Giangi’s Style” …..mm…my mouth is already watering!
About desserts? Any good “Tiramisu’ ” recipes?
Keep it up ! ……more recipes, please !
Giangi’s Kitchen
Love to share my Tiramisu recipe.
As someone who opens the fridge 10mns before dinner without a clue of what I am going to cook, I welcome your ideas as lifesavers.
French and Italian recipes? What a coincidence, those are my favorites. Merci, ma cherie…
Giangi’s Kitchen
You are quite welcome Marion. Thank you.
Love your new blog! I am looking forward to some fabulous recipes. If you ever need a taste tester, I can be there within minutes! Kate
Giangi’s Kitchen
I will take you up on that offer… Thank you.
Mariellen Cornell
What a great idea! I am always checking with my daughters about their dinner plans (Julie, Ginger’s neighbor, sent me your blog thinking I’d be interested). I love to read cookbooks and get many ideas from internet sites.
When I worked within a school system, it was common conversation, “What’s for dinner tonight”.
I’m sure you will draw a lot of interest! I’m looking forward to reading every day.
Giangi’s Kitchen
Thank you Mariellen for reading my blog. Looking forward to lots of fun nights of cooking.
Dear Giangi,
Thank you for putting together a blog about your fabulous cooking, which I have experienced first-hand. I am so looking forward to seeing your delights online. It will be a real treat, will surely make me hungry, and inspire me to try new things.
The world will be a better place for your having shared your creative talent. Thanks for sharing!
Giangi’s Kitchen
Thank you so much Pam. I know I am going to have a lot of fun sharing one of my passions with everyone.