What’s for dinner tonight?

How many times have you stared at your kitchen, refrigerator, or pantry and ponder over the same question: “What I am going to fix for dinner tonight?”. Well, you are not alone.

As my morning ritual, by the time I finish my espresso, I have a pretty good idea of what I am going to fix for dinner that night. Of course, as soon as my son and husband stumble into the family room each morning, I share with them what awaits them that night. I am very fortunate that my son and husband, eat everything I fix, and they also make great suggestions.

So, with this blog, I want to share my daily dinners with you. I will share our menu and the recipes that we had that night.
I also want to challenge myself by making a new recipe every few days.

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Mind you that I like to stay close to my roots, therefore the majority of my recipes will be French and Italian dishes.
I do hope you will enjoy these recipes and, as we do in our family, have a lot of fun.

So, let the fun begin…..